
Aircraft engineer using laptop

Understanding the Vital Role MROs Play in the Aviation Industry

When it comes to key players in the aviation industry the big names that come to mind typically include aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, or Gulfstream, and airlines themselves from ANA to Emirates to United Airlines.
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Trends in Aviation Maintenance: Digital Solutions Rule the Skies

Airplane mechanic using an iPad
From the Wright Brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk to Charles Lindbergh’s non-stop solo trans-Atlantic flight to Chuck Yeager breaking ...
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Factors that Could Alleviate the Aviation Mechanic Shortage

Airplane Mechanics
There is a dire need for aviation mechanics and the situation could only worsen with Boeing projecting that the global commercial aviation i...
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Desert Airplane Boneyards: Where Planes Go to Die … or Hibernate

Airplane Boneyard
Some of the world’s most unique airports, located in remote desert locations, are off limits to the public as they are the “airplane boneyar...
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Aviation Regulatory Updates for 2022

Green Office Folder with Inscription Regulations on Office Desktop
Some aviation regulations will continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic into 2022, and other new FAA regulations concern the increas...
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Commercial Aviation Mechanic Pipeline: Project 12,000 Mechanics Shortfall by 2041

Mechanic with wrenches in pocket
The commercial aviation mechanic pipeline is facing a shortage of some 12,000 mechanics in the next 20 years according to a new report from ...
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Understanding the MSG-3 Aviation Maintenance Approach

Source One Spares Understanding MSG-3 Aviation Maintenance Guy Inspecting Airplane Wing
The evolution of aviation maintenance to a top-down approach with programs planned around individual tasks has proven to be cost-effective w...
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